

Thursday, April 15th, 2010 10:15:46

Who Cares About Global Warming?

In 1971, I joined my parents and older sister in the second annual Earth Day by picking up litter in Carrollton, Ga. Dozens of us turned out in jeans and sneakers on that sunny April day, walking along the side....

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Thursday, April 8th, 2010 10:14:50

Grow the Carrots

It's spring break week for my children, and this year we are joining others who are staycationing. We spent Monday morning at the Georgia Aquarium, and Tuesday we went to the Atlanta Zoo, where I learned something new and was....

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Thursday, April 1st, 2010 10:13:48

Money Flows

Imagine explaining how money moves through the economy to second graders? You must be kidding -- but they got it. This was the final week of a five-week volunteer Junior Achievement program in my child's second-grade class. Their favorite lesson....

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Thursday, March 25th, 2010 10:09:46

Fighting for Liberty

Patrick Henry uttered his famous line, "Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!" on March 23, 1775. Now, 235 years after Henry's statement, President....

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Saturday, March 20th, 2010 10:23:13

We Still Have Hope; Now We Want Change

I began running 23 years ago, during a summer when I was living in Washington, D.C. Since then, during visits to the nation's capital, I run the same six-mile route I ran then: from the Capitol to the Lincoln Memorial....

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Thursday, March 18th, 2010 10:06:37

Don’t Worry — Everyone Will Know

The last time I heard someone utter, "Don't worry -- no one will ever know," the response was, "What are you smoking, crack?" The crack comment was not meant literally, but figuratively. It made its point: Don't assume that you....

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Thursday, March 11th, 2010 10:05:47

Don’t Quit — Beat the Chronic Political Syndrome

It's time to reach down and find the strength to do more. It's time to build a brick wall and hold off legislation that undermines the values of the American people and infuses our lives with government programs. Don't ever....

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Thursday, March 4th, 2010 10:05:05

Pay as You Go — Not Really

"It says to Congress, you have to pay as you go," President Barack Obama said on Feb. 13, the day after he signed the "pay-as-you-go" law. "You can't spend a dollar unless you cut a dollar elsewhere. ... We have....

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Thursday, February 25th, 2010 10:04:17

President Obama — Still Not Listening

With Democrats holding the presidency, a majority in the House of Representatives and the Senate, you might think that they could pass whatever legislation they want. But more than a year after Obama took office, his party's version of health....

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Thursday, February 18th, 2010 10:02:36

Let’s Play

Last week, first lady Michelle Obama kicked off an initiative. "Let's Move," addressing the problem of childhood obesity. While our representatives in Washington are at a stalemate over health care "reform," the bigger problem over the long term is the....

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