Thursday, August 19th, 2010 10:41:30
Emily Attacks Sarah
There are few things sadder than girls being mean to girls. Boys seem to be able to slough off slights and events, pick up the ball and play again. Girls tend to hold grudges longer, become more self-conscious and end up creating divisions between each other.
This developmental phase is expected to occur at times in elementary school. During middle school and high school, the expectation is that girls will begin to become more self assured, more supportive and less judgmental. But unfortunately, not all girls grow up.
Emily’s List, a national political action committee “dedicated to electing pro-choice Democratic women to office,” according to the group’s Website, launched a campaign this week against Sarah Palin titled, “Sarah doesn’t speak for me.” It’s a response to Palin’s SarahPAC “Mama Grizzly” video in which she talks about the emergence of “common-sense conservative women.”