Thursday, September 9th, 2010 10:44:30

President Obama’s Flawed Foundation

We all know it happens — people often get confused. They can become overwhelmed and forget who they are and where they came from, allowing outside forces to dictate their actions.

They get caught up — swept away — in themselves or their situation.

They have lost their foundation — or possibly they never had a solid foundation.

President Barack Obama’s speech this past Monday at the Laborfest in Milwaukee, Wis., provided signs of a flawed foundation. Mostly a campaign speech, it focused on praising unions and talking about how government is going to solve our problems, with Obama leading the charge.

His attempt at a personal economic story, “my grandparents taught me early on that a job is about more than just a paycheck,” was overshadowed by his reference to shorter lines in airports: “I mean, I’ve got Air Force One now, it’s nice. But I still remember what it was like.”

His deviation from his prepared remarks: “They talk about me like a dog. That’s not in my prepared remarks, it’s just — but it’s true.”